
Consulting & Solutions GmbH
a chemoinformatics company


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PCC Download the PCC applications. You will be asked first to enter your email address, but this is not a requirement.  
PCC  Source Code Download the source code of PCC.  

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Quickly get started using Personal Chemistry Client following these tutorials. You will learn how to open data sources,  create your own forms and to do searches.  

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PCC NCI Demo Data for ACCESS

Download PCC demo data information. 

ACCESS: pcc_ncidemodata_access.mdb 

Usage instructions: Please copy the mdb file to the PCC data folder, start PCC , chose Access data source and open the mdb file.

3.7 MB
PCC NCI Demo Data for MySQL

MySQL: pcc_ncidemodata_mysql.sql 

Usage instructions: This file is a MySQL backup file. Please use the Restore button of the MySQL Administrator utility to load the data in your MySQL database. It is recommended to use ‘new schema’ as Target schema when doing the restore. Please make sure to assign READ ACCESS for the objects in the new schema after the restore to all MySQL usernames you want to afterwards use in PCC. It is recommended to let experienced MySQL staff doing the restore.

1.2 MB
PCC NCI Demo Data for ORACLE

ORACLE: pcc_ncidemodata_oracle.dmp 

Usage instructions: This file is an Oracle Export file. You need to use the Oracle Import utility to load the data in your Oracle database. It is highly recommended to have someone with Oracle experience doing the import. Alternatively you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager to do the import. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a UI to run the Oracle import utility. As stated above, it is recommended to have someone with Oracle experience doing the import using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Make sure to grant select rights to the objects after the import to all Oracle usernames you afterwards want to use in PCC.

3.2 MB
PCC NCI Demo Data for SQLServer

Microsoft SQLServer: pcc_ncidemodata_sqlserver.bak

Usage instructions: This file is a SQLServer backup file. You can use Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio (Express) to restore the file. In Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio select the database node. Right click on the node and chose database restore. In the database restore dialog chose restore from media and navigate to the file. Please make sure to assign READ ACCESS to the objects contained in the restored database. It is recommended to have experienced SQL Server staff doing the restore.

3.2 MB
PCC datasheet Download a WORD document describing PCC. 0.4 MB
Databases with structures and biological activities calculated with PASS Download a subset of natural compounds with PASS parameters. Using PCC you can load this file and search by data and structures. I.e. search for all compounds that have a indole moiety and the PASS parameter "carcinogenic > 0.5". We offer several databases from different suppliers. Try a similarity search with similarity ca. 0.65 and look if similar structures have different biological activities.

Unpack the download file in the PCC db folder and copy the downloaded PCC form file to the PCC forms folder.

Start PCC and use the File-Select datasource menu item. Click on the Continue button and open the unpacked spreadsheet. Select the default schema and open the default form.

For browsing/searching the complete database, use the Form-Open menu item and open the downloaded PCC form (extension *.frm).




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